Rapid Deployment
RNS has assisted several prominent silicon valley companies to rapidly deploy their concepts with a minimal time-to-market.
We can shrink your development time-lines to weeks rather than months. This is because of our breadth of experience in all aspects of the development of Internet services, and our use of proven models and topologies for deployment. We leverage existing best-practices and open-standards as a resource multiplier to turn ideas into implementations.
Speedera Networks --- Content Delivery

Speedera is a content delivery network (CDN) provider. They recently made headlines for handling the streaming video for NASA TV during the Mars Rovers landings. Speedera has been second fastest growing private company in silicon valley over the last three years.
RNS designed the unattended server installation architecture that allowed the deployment of over 300 servers within three months. RNS also created the web-based content management utilities for the the distributed caching architecture. The tools allowed Speedera's IT team to securely manage cache servers, customer access, and configure cached domains.
Mediaplex, Inc --- Online Advertising

Mediaplex provides fully integrated technology systems for online marketing campaigns. Their flagship product, MOJO Adserver, manages marketing campaigns across multiple on-line and off-line medias.
The Mediaplex sales force was selling advertising faster than their servers could provide them and they needed a new scalable architecture immediately. RNS first addressed the problem by implementing a load-balanced fault-tolerant network architecture, then proceeded to tune the web servers and applications so that the client got maximum utilization of their computing resources. Additionally RNS automated the web server installation process allowing rapid deployment of new resources. The network sustained in excess of 35 million hits a day.
PocketMail --- Mobile E-Mail applications

PocketMail is a leading provider of value-priced, world-wide mobile e-mail services. The company developed a handheld device with acoustic coupling technology that required no connection to a telephone jack. The device allows customers to send and receive e-mail anytime, anywhere, over virtually any telephone, including pay-phones, cordless phones and cell phones.
RNS was tasked to build the network for the first beta release. Servers were Solaris/x86, and included dial-in servers, SMTP/POP servers to queue mail bound for the pocketmail devices, out-bound fax server, and authentication and management/auditing.