New components include openldap, nss_ldap, and pam_ldap
nonsecure lookups handed by cldap, secure/authenticated via sldap
ldapinit script to initialize servers, slaves, and clients
package tcl and perl interfaces to ldap
package for Linux and Solaris (thus its UDS (Unix Directory Services))
provide ldaptool for management, and a generic ldap browser
Create a secure ldap config file to provide 2 levels of access on a machine
(privilaged/superuser and anonymous) w/ a 0600 /etc/ldap.sec
Document how to constuct an LDAP 'Domain'
Streamline procedures (bugsquashing, CVS/patches, mailing lists)
pkg up openldap
pkg up ldapns (nss_ldap, pam_ldap, ldapinit, ldapmigrate)
Finish HOWTO